Isi Services is a company specialized in dental implants

The headquarter is based in Brussels but the company already operates in France, Swiss and Sweden.
Isi Services has two main lines of business.

The first one is the conception and production of implants in Sweden through its 60% owned joint-venture with Brånemark Integration AB. This is a swedish dental company producing state of the art dental implants with a worldwide reputation.

The second line of business are the implant medical center with currently 3 centers operational, one in Brussels, one in Paris and now one in Geneva.


Brånemark Integration AB

A closely held company that was founded in 2001 by Professor
Per-Ingvar Brånemark and Dr Rickard Brånemark on the principle that the original concept of osseointegration provides the greatest long-term benefit for the implant patient.


ISi Education

Based in Paris, iSi Education is specialized in dental implantology training for practitioners.

© isi services 2018-19 / all rights reserved / Isi Services SA, Rue de Stalle 7, 1180 Bruxelles - BE 0887.397.867L